Digital Avicenna Adds Hindi Language to its Platform, Enhancing Accessibility to Essential Medical Services

CUPERTINO, CA, USA – September 17, 2023: Today, Digital Avicenna, a pioneering tele-medicine service platform, announces the introduction of Hindi, the world’s third most-spoken language, to serve its clients. This recent addition extends Digital Avicenna’s commitment to making quality medical opinions and interpretations more accessible to diverse patient communities globally.

Digital Avicenna stands at the forefront of tele-medicine, providing patients from regions such as Africa, India, Eastern Asia, Latin America, and the Pacific hemisphere with expert cardiologists’ and other medical specialists’ insights. By adding Hindi language support, the platform aims to cater more effectively to India, a key market suffering from a dearth of specialized medical services.

The company’s AI-driven chatbot, Avicenna Adviser, also bolsters this new addition. Patients and users who communicate primarily in Hindi can now easily interact with the chatbot, asking questions and receiving answers in their native tongue. From understanding general medical parameters to delving into cardiological topics, Avicenna Adviser serves as a crucial and reliable resource.

Digital Avicenna has experienced tremendous growth since its inception, not only in terms of its offered languages but also in services. It began by offering interpretations by cardiologists but has now incorporated oncologists, General Medicine doctors, and even video consultations upon client requests. The platform’s extensive network, with dozens of cardiologists based in Kyiv, Ukraine, makes it a go-to solution for countless patients worldwide.

Providing three key services – Government service (B2G) for nation-wide screenings, Enterprise service (B2B) for medical labs and insurance companies, and Retail service (B2C) for private individuals – Digital Avicenna’s reach is unparalleled.

With an intuitive color-coded system, interpretations are easily decipherable. A green indicates that all is well, yellow suggests possible issues, and red denotes urgent medical attention.

“By adding Hindi to our platform, we aim to break down linguistic barriers, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their language preference, has access to quality medical interpretations. It is a significant step towards our mission to democratize healthcare access,” said Alexander Tulko, the CEO of Digital Avicenna.

For clinics, hospitals, or insurance companies interested in leveraging Digital Avicenna’s “turn-key” cardiological screening interpretation services or to learn more about the platform, visit

About Digital Avicenna

Digital Avicenna is an industry-leading tele-medicine platform that offers remote medical opinions and interpretations from a team of experienced cardiologists, oncologists, and general medicine doctors. Focusing on regions with a lack of specialized medical practitioners, the platform provides invaluable medical insights to patients across the globe. With a user-friendly AI-powered chatbot, Avicenna Adviser, and an extensive list of services, Digital Avicenna plays a pivotal role in democratizing healthcare access across the globe.

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